Na Pali Cost on Kauai island

E Komo Mai

Welcome to the State of Hawaiʻi’s Investor Relations information page. We hope that you find the information helpful and beneficial for your needs.

Type of Debt Fitch Moody’s S&P

Department of Budget & Finance (BF)

General Obligation Bonds AA Aa2 AA+
Certificates of Participation N/A N/A N/A

Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL)

Revenue Bonds A A1 N/A
Certificates of Participation N/A Aa3 N/A

Department of Transportation (DOT)

Airport System Revenue Bonds AA- Aa3 AA-
Airport Certificates of Participation A+ A1 A+
Airport System Customer Facility Charge Revenue Bonds A A2 A+
Harbor System Revenue Bonds A+ A2 AA-
Highway System Revenue Bonds AA Aa2 AA+

Department of  Business, Economic Development & Tourism – Hawaiʻi Housing Finance & Development Corp. (HHFDC)

Rental Housing System Revenue Bonds A A1 N/A
Single Family Revenue Bonds AAA Aaa AA+

Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi (UH)

Revenue Bonds AA Aa3 N/A

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA)

State of Hawaii Debt Management Policy

Debt Affordability Study